We plant trees, plant seeds

and plant ideas.

Launching in 2024

Friends of the Forest is an international initiative that brings climate action to life. Imagine if we treated The Forest like it was our friend. How would we show her that we care?

Build your relationship with nature by planting and protecting trees, regenerating damaged wetlands and forests, working with indigenous communities and supporting sustainable food practices. 

Why are trees important? 

Forests are like the Earth's lungs. They breathe in carbon dioxide (you know, that stuff we don't want too much of in our air) and breathe out fresh, clean oxygen. Trees are the superstars of this operation.

Carbon Heroes:

Trees are like the superheroes of nature. They're amazing at taking carbon dioxide (the bad stuff) from the air and turning it into clean, green wood and soil. This helps save our planet from getting too hot.

Growing Forests:

When we plant new trees and take care of the ones we already have, we're basically giving Mother Earth a big helping hand. It's like saying, "Hey Earth, we've got your back!"

Cleaner Air and Water:

Trees not only store carbon but also make our air fresher and our water cleaner. Imagine taking a deep breath in a forest – that's some seriously pure air!

Regeneration in a UNESCO World Heritage Site